Onoskelis - The Hecate Prophecies in your Cold Throne - A

ONOSKELIS – The Hecate Prophecies In Your Cold Throne


ONOSKELISThe Golden Temple Of Onoskelis ’97 d
ONOSKELISThe Hecate Prophecies In Your Cold Throne ’97 d

O těchto kazetách projektu Onoskelis se toho na internetu moc nedozvíte. Kapela pochází z Brazílie a hraje tzv. „Atmospheric Dark Metal“. Jedná se o vedlejší projekt kytaristky zvané Countess Belliarth (Ruth Belliarth) z brazilské „Symphonic Black Metal“ kapely Intelectual Moment.
Onoskelis nahrál dvě kazety, na první promo kazetě The Hecate Prophecies In Your Cold Throne z roku 1997 účinkuje také Sir Sognefjörd z kapely Intelectual Moment.

Na kazetě je uvedeno:

Recerded at 8 tracks in october 97
Produced by Lord Luifer
Art by Scritta
All lyrics and musics by Belliarth

Onoskleis play pagan and majestic atmosphere enchanted in name of the goddness:
The Supreme Light and Mother of World… Ancient…

Onoskelis – promotape 1997

The Hecate Prophecies In Your Cold Throne
1. (Intro) Dark Dreams of Winter
2. Hierarchic Batle of Pagan Storm
3. Ishtar´s Journey up the Stars
4. The Hecate Prophecies in your cold Throne

Onoskelis - The Hecate Prophecies in your Cold Throne - A

Onoskelis – The Hecate Prophecies in your Cold Throne – A

Onoskelis - The Hecate Prophecies in your Cold Throne - B

Onoskelis – The Hecate Prophecies in your Cold Throne – B

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